Sustainability Governance
Hung Fook Tong’s sustainability success is built on the basis of sound governance. The Group strictly follows the ESG policy, maintaining a high level of transparency, accountability, responsibility and fairness. The policy emphatically indicates Hung Fook Tong’s responsibilities towards the environmental performance, supplier selections, corporate social responsibilities, operating principles and corporate governance.
The Group understands the effective implementation of the ESG management approach requires the cooperation at different levels.
The Group understands the effective implementation of the ESG management approach requires the cooperation at different levels.
Hung Fook Tong’s ESG Governance Structure
Board Level
The Board
- Oversee overall ESG management, ensuring it aligns with international and local regulations
- Anchor strategic ESG management approach for the Group
ESG Steering Committee
Audit Committee
- Evaluate and monitor the Group’s ESG performance
- Review progress and effectiveness of ESG targets and objectives
- Review and assess ESG risks that are significant to the Group
- Report to the Board on ESG issues
- Review and approve the internal audit plans
- Review reports prepared by the independent internal control consultants engaged by the Group
- Review the risk management (including ESG risks) and internal control systems
- Oversee the Group’s corporate governance functions, including reviewing and ensuring the policies and practices are in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
Working Group
ESG Working Group
- Communicate across operations and geographies, integrating sustainability concepts into day-to-day operations
- Support ESG Steering Committee in policies implementation and action plan execution
Sustainability Strategy
As outlined by the Group’s ESG Management Approach, Hung Fook Tong identifies and manages relevant sustainability risks arised from material sustainability aspects that have significant impacts on the Group.
Our Operation 

We are dedicated to upholding our corporate motto, “Naturally Made, Wholeheartedly Good” (真心製造,自然流露), by ensuring product safety and quality, safeguarding customers’ rights, maintaining business ethics, and enhancing customer experiences.
Our People 

Our workforce constitutes our most esteemed resource. We diligently monitor market trends and regularly evaluate our human resources policy to devise suitable and viable initiatives. Our objective is to enhance our working environment and bolster employee satisfaction. We firmly believe that a people-centric work culture fosters a stronger sense of belonging among our staffs, thereby increasing overall work efficiency and cultivating a mutually beneficial outcome.
Our Environment 

We acknowledge the significance of the environmental impact that arises from its operations, particularly concerning pollution resulting from the manufacturing process and packaging waste during the end-use phase, as well as the carbon footprint associated with raw material usage and disposal. In order to effectively address and mitigate the effects of climate change, Hung Fook Tong is committed to promoting the consumption of clean energy and enhancing resource efficiency. We aim at contributing to the decarbonisation movement, reduce the emission of air pollutants, and minimise waste generation.
Our Community 

We recognise the importance of community support for the long-term growth of our business. As a result, we are committed to giving back to the community by investing in initiatives that contribute to a healthy and positive society.
Watch our sustainability highlight video